Bus Stop Brisbane provides the option of TK Heat/Cool A/C
QTK Heat/Cool Air Conditioners

Bus Stop Brisbane, Queensland and northern New South Wales agents of new Yutong buses and coaches, can now provide the option of Thermo King Heat/Cool Air Conditioners in all new 39 seat midi-coach and 51-57 seat coach products.

In partnership with Yutong Australia, Bus Stop Brisbane is now able to provide customers the option of the Thermo King ‘KRS’ model air conditioner, as an alternative to the standard Kelin SDD-06 and Kelin FFDD-04 model air conditioners in the 51 and 39 seat models respectively.

As one of Australia’s leading manufacturers in their domain, Thermo King have perfected a tailored range of air conditioners which can cope with the arduous conditions that mother nature regularly offers the people of Australia, from the humidity of the top end to the blistery chill of the southern states.

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2018 Thermo King Service Managers Conference in Prague

2018 Thermo King Service Managers Conference in Prague

In March 2018 the beautiful city of Prague in Czech Republic hosted the Themo King Service Managers Conference. Delegates from Thermo King dealerships throughout the Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific get together to share the experience and keep up to date with all the latest industry news.

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Keeping Cool – Article from Diesel Magazine

Keeping Cool – Article from Diesel Magazine

Queensland Thermo King are better known as QTK and are based in a swish new dealership in Darra, in the South-West of Brisbane Australia wide for operations like QTK work as Thermo King are offering fixed where most of the transport industry is based.

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